Ask yourself: Is Zvago SAP right for you?

Preparing for a move to an active senior housing community like ours takes a well-thought-out plan. Central to that plan is a thorough—and frank—assessment of your needs, expectations, and preferences for your retirement years.

Here are some of the questions to ask yourself when considering membership in Zvago St. Anthony Park:

  • Am I prepared to live in a communal setting?

  • Am I amenable to decision-making by consensus?

  • Are there impediments to my full participation in the cooperative’s life?

The following checklist will help you make the right choice and ensure you’re ready to move when the time comes. Use it as a guide before choosing us.

❒ I've explored other senior living options (condominiums, rentals, facilities with meal services, etc.) to determine what best fits the lifestyle I want.

❒ I’m aware that Zvago St. Anthony Park is a limited-equity cooperative designed to remain affordable for future generations of members.

❒ I understand that a cooperative relies on its members to serve. I am willing and able to take full advantage of opportunities that use my skills and talents to benefit the Zvago St. Anthony Park community.

❒ I’m aware of Zvago St. Anthony Park’s pet policy limits (one dog, up to 50 pounds; two cats) and am prepared to make other provisions for caring for my pets if necessary.

❒ I’ve contacted a realtor about the value of my current home.

❒ I’ve assessed my financial situation to know what I can afford for housing.

❒ I’ve begun the necessary downsizing of my possessions.